Emailed the OU expressing my disgust

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I have contributed again. It is so, so important to win this. There is only one language which cowards understand: winning in Court and showing up their cowardice and double standards.

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I'm fuming about this whole issue. I've no problem with a person living as the opposite sex if it makes them happier and I don't believe they should be discriminated against, let alone bullied. However, there exists a "trans mob", it consists of a group of agressive trans women (it's not all trans women, just some, I'm very clear on that) i.e. men harrassing and intimidating women to the point of those women being hounded out of their jobs. I'm an active member of the labour party and am stunned at the sheer cowardice of my leader certain ministers who are taking the side of these aggressive individuals against women. Dr Veronica Ivy, a trans woman has said "cis folks-including TERFs- just need to sit down and shut up"; a biological male, using aggressive language, telling women that they should have no say on issues relating directly, and often exclusively, to them... sound familiar? Yep, sounds like the the whole of human history to me and many people in positions of power don't have the guts to stand up to them. There, rant over.

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If I ever questioned the possibility of this all consuming dystopic nightmare sweeping all before, reading clears every momentary doubt---

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Certainly will be donating to this. Disgusting behaviour towards a respected academic. All the best. x

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