Jun 20Liked by Jo Phoenix

I would observe that the University's statement refers to "negative impact" without *any* explanation of the nature of that supposed impact; but the rest of the paragraph seems to indicate that the sole "negative impact" is "distress or upset". And since the protestors would presumably not attend the event (but would instead protest outside), that "distress or upset" would not even be distress at *hearing* ideas that differed from their own; rather, it would be "distress or upset" that people should be *allowed* to express ideas that differ from their own. In other words, the "distress or upset" is distress *precisely* at the idea of freedom of speech. It beggars belief that a university would pander to *this* type of "distress or upset". The University is clearly saying: we are permitting this event only because we are forced, by a law we don't support, to do so.

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Mary Williams was appointed professor of French language and literature at Swansea in 1921 which was ground breaking and controversial at the time, as demonstrated by this rather back handed compliment from fellow academic Victor Spiers “She possesses in an astonishing degree the power of grasping detail, without losing the due sense of proportion - as women are apt to do - in fact hers is a man’s mind in the best sense of the word".

‘Plus ca change’ as she might have said.

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Women and men are being taught silence and women (without an equivocation) are being erased... womens rights womens studies are all about born women - The university attempts to colonise women's language and women's rights by strong arm tactics

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Where is the Elephant in the Room.... the words; Woman ?

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As an alumnus of Swansea University I feel so disappointed. In my day it was a hotbed of critical thinking. I’ll be sending a letter too!

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Pure buttery and cowardice the quality of leadership in this institution of education is tragic...incomprehensible out of touch and woman hating evidenced here...why are women safety issues being trashed by this woman and institution?

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It seems to me that each and everyone of these institutions needs to be taken to court in order to stop their discrimination.

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Maybe, but who will pay for it?

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Fantastic clear letter. It seems that organisations think they can simply ignore all the legal cases - especially in this instance your own. Or maybe they think that, by trans-magic, the rulings don't apply to them. I sometimes wonder if every major employer in the UK is going to have to be taken to court and hit with a substantial financial penalty before the message gets through. Universities are supposed to be full of intelligent, well-educated people. You wouldn't think such a demographic could so easily dismiss, for example, Forstater, Bailey, Meade, Phoenix and Adams

It is a sign of the utter arrogance of the gender-identity ideologists that they believe they can simply carry on their campaign of misogynist hate regardless.

Thanks for writing this. You've already done so much it must be really wearing and dispiriting to still have to fight the same battle even after a stunning win.

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Jun 6Liked by Jo Phoenix

Great letter Jo. What really resonates for me if the young females students who must feel totally silenced in such an environment. It is important that you called it out publicly so that they hear your voice and find confidence in it.

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An outstanding letter, Jo, in response to actions by yet another university administration that are not just bad but embarrassing.

Bad in all the obvious ways (for academic freedom, for freedom of expression, for intellectual exchange, for women's rights)

But embarrassing in what they reveal about how ill read and poorly informed university administrations are. It's not just that they don't know what they don't know, they are *certain* that in taking actions like this they are absolutely hip to the now and have their fingers admirably on the pulse of today. It is, as the kids say, hilariously cringe in a manner reminiscent of the teacher at 3:45:


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They are also seem to be playing the 'security' card, while stoking it up. Shameful.

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Labelling the event "Anti-Trans" is wild! Their hostility makes their intentions very clear and the discrimination seems direct and aimed at women.

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anti-trans reads as 'woman hating' to anyone with a half functioning brain ffs

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Shame on Swansea University & Professor Paul Boyle! Disgusting behaviour is in need of a very swift apology! Great work, Prof Jo. Best of luck, keep us updated xx

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Spot on, Jo. Unbelievable!!

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Well done for taking the bull(y) by the horns. As you say, statements like theirs legitimise protests against events which should in fact be promoted by the uni as facilitating the free exchange of views.

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Can barely believe you have had to write this. Have universities not yet learnt? Not read the Reindorf Review?

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