That's fantastic news Jo. So pleased for you.

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I'm so sorry this is happening to you, try to keep your chin up and stay positive.

Take time just for you, as you say it's going to be a long slog for it to be resolved, I'm rooting for you, best wishes, S.

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I am both saddened and maddened by your experiences Jo, and those of many other GC feminists. But many congratulations on your new job. And, of course, I hope your tribunal wipes the floor with the OU and sets a precedent to start to reverse this anti-intellectual and tyrannical trend in academia.

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Is there a copy of the “open letter with signature” sent to you earlier this year? It seems to have vanished from the internet.

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It got taken down about a month or so ago. I'm sure of you asked on Twitter someone would give you a copy

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The OU have behaved abominably. I'm so sorry it has come to this.

Congratulations on your new post.

Solidarity 💜

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The OU built it's reputation by offering mature students a 'grown up' learning experience. How strange it has succumbed to the ' you hurt my feelings,so I'm going to destroy you mob' . What a sad demise . Good luck Jo , better days are surely ahead.

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Essentially - Lots of pathetic, lightweight people find the GCRN's words rather hurty and they now need support, and constant supervision and perhaps even hospitalisation for PTSD. The. Poor. Lambs.

OU to those people - 'WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!'

(But not for you, Jo obviously)

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The situation in which you have found yourself at the OU is appalling. It is - or should be - intolerable of such an organisation to behave in such a manner as they have - and no doubt will continue to do - and in part adhere to an ideology so vague and nebulous, and yet so pernicious that I am embarrassed to be even thinking about it.

I am pleased you have found another post at Reading, and I wish you well in that and also in your Tribunal process.

Good luck!

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And Prof Rosa Freedman is there, of course. Like many others I am continuing to try to persuade the UK's leading scientists to put their heads above the parapet. Richard Dawkins tweeted that he likes Kathleen Stock's Material Girls and has signed the "Declaration of Women's Sex-based Rights", and he encourages his followers (all 2.9M!) to follow him. Prof Robert Winston has said, sheepishly, on Any Questions that he is hunted on Twitter for his (scientific!) views that it is impossible to change sex. Where are the adults???

Good luck in your new job! And I hope that the OU's Gender Critical Research Network will continue. I hope funding continues?

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