You have the patience of a saint Jo. How the likes of Phipps and co are still in academic positions is beyond me, they're just bullies who are only interested in propaganda.

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Jo, I thought we now have a Minister for Academic Freedom in the UK? Although I don't know if he's still functioning as such with parliament dissolved for the election. This would seem to fall within his remit, though.

Best wishes, and I hope your GC list takes off and becomes at least equal to the phobic one. That said, I'm slightly wondering whether it wouldn't be better to start one that is genuinely neutral?

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Jun 30Edited

disgusting misogynists - the Victorian govt have a pro trans advert; one scene is of woman alone in a lift and clearly "man in dress" gets in the lift - now we see scared woman alone with "strange" man ; the woman gives him an admonishing side look and panicky she alights ; well pushes out of the closing lift doors in a panic; next scene we see a bloke in full cosplay women sporting weardoning little skirt ; now a women's huddle - and opening up to encourage same man to "join in " the ( once ) women only sporting team ; beckoning him in ; no safeguarding required here ! We see no male equivalency required all womens work - oh a man save his male tram rider a spare seat ..." Im a lady "'aka Walliams what a joke

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Jo I am so angry about all of this. I have been taking courses with Jane Clare Jones over the last few months. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you! Sue

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